Sunday, December 19, 2004

5 Days to Go! Xmas!

Its the 20th of December, just a few days to go before Christmas. Xmas seems to hold a quite different air to me... Gone were the days of pure anticipation for the jovial day. I guess, gone where the days of childhood where one could go out and expect gifts from Godparents. This time, Im the Godparent.. oh oh.. here i am again, reminiscent of the past. It's just that we sometimes grow impatient of how time is so slow, how we want for it to go faster so we could be what we want to be... But when we reach that point in time, we begin to wonder, and think of the time that passed by as a mere blink...

Christmas time for me is more on worrying about meeting the xmas gift list. I really am not expecting to recieve much, but what im expecting is to give a lot. :) Well, i seem to be at least fulfillin the seasons message of xmas being a season of giving... anyway, preparing gifts to friends and love ones never fail to bring a sense of warmth. Seeing their faces light up when you hand them their gift is like telling them that they are special.

Anyway, back to where i am right now... Right now, im at the office, trying hard to look bz.. hehe.. got nothin much to do right now. So i decided to just write up some blog :)...

This morning, I woke up a bit too early. Being accustomed to waking up around 4am, i woke up too early and had to FORCE myself to sleep, and to no avail hehe... I ended up going online at around 7am... But i am quite pleased with the new schedule, I got more time to sleep and not worry about being sleepy at work... The only problem would be that i wont probably be able to do anything else...

Anyway, I will try to do some work and try to finish the performance test scripts. I'd better go now and try to make some sense of the day... cheerio!