Thursday, December 16, 2004

Post Mortem

carrot super hero

Finally! The end of the increment! Demo was alright, too much preparation for a few minutes demo. hehe.. anyway, everything went well.

I arrived home yesterday at around 12am... wee tired from waiting for our demo, since we were the last on the list. Anyway, for today we still had to come in early, with an offset of two hours to make up for the time we spent yesterday on the demo.. making it 8am instead of 6am.

Rush for the office a moment ago was a drag.. as i got in the fx on the way to the MRT station, jackielou gave me a ring and told me there was a fire at the mandaluyong station. Sure enough, the expecting traffic and the flood of people at the foot of the station confirmed my fears... Good thing i saw a college friend and decided to take a taxi all the way to work. We talked on the way to makati, he mostly told me details about his work as a network engineer and how he would like to shift to web development. The taxi driver did a great job dodging traffic and hitting side street, as if he knows all the detours in the area. He was able to get us all the way from north to mandaluyong in a matter of minutes. But the thing was, due to talking, and unfamiliarity with the streets, i ended up getting out of the cab in mandaluyong and had to make another two good rides to reach the office. I wanted to take another cab, but i thought i was already more than an hour late, might as well get something out of the situation and learn the route.

Upon coming in to the office, the weekly meeting was already up, usual stuff of Post Mortem for Inc4 and some team agenda. We will be having a team lunch later at Burgoo's for the good work. Anyway, all in all, the day ends with me... doin nothin.. hehe.. just this blog.. which took me a couple of minutes to work on.. read my company email, which got to be alot since i wasnt able to check them yesterday due to the unavailability of my machine (cross-shift) and doin my T2 or time tracking for the week. Id better go now, i will have to get a gift the kris kringle... ;) cheers!!!!